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LDA Understanding Emotions Activity Book



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Your Price: £20.85 exc VAT

£20.85 exc VAT

  • This fantastic new photocopiable activity book is designed to help children to discover, understand and recognise emotions
  • Some children find these skills very difficult, and because they struggle to read the emotional clues available they may not react appropriately to people or events
  • Equipping all children with emotional literacy skills enables them to feel more comfortable and confident in social situations and helps them to recognise and modify their own emotional responses
  • The book progresses from the basic skill of facial expression recognition through to exploring emotions within a variety of situations, understanding how and why emotions can change and predicting emotional responses
  • Comprehensive teacher's notes offer detailed instructions for each activity, prompt questions and further activity ideas
  • Thebeautifully illustrated activity sheets are suitable for all ages and include drawing, cut and paste and discussion‐based tasks
  • Contains 48 A4 pages
Brand LDA Developed
Group 1 SEN
Group 2 Communication Skills
Group 3 Communication Resources
Style Code HE1006015

Your Price: £20.85 exc VAT

£20.85 exc VAT